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Building a Web Game - Day Eleven


You may say "Yo! Where is Day Ten?" And you are totally right. Yesterday I stayed on my cousins' house, so wasn't able to do any kind of thing. And will frogjump today. By the way, I have really good cousins. Because I never stay at someone's house, they impressed me :D Let's start with the plan of today.

For first step, I have two different options: Keep going with ready designs, or design the welcome page which has explanatory cards. These different steps has different goals. First one is for finishing the MVP version, and the second one is for finishing with user experiment. And I wouldn't think I finished the app if I don't think about the user experiment. So I guess I will start with redesigning the welcome page. Let the designing begin!

Painful Chair

I can't feel my ass man, I'm working for really long time. Not even calculate how much hours. But at the end of the day, I have designed the welcome screens and implemented them except images. Before we talk about coding section, here are the welcome page designes:

Welcome Screen 1 Welcome Screen 2 Welcome Screen 3 Welcome Screen 4

Honestly, coding section is much more harden than I thought. This is my first mobile app, so it's hard to implement almost everything. Because I'm trying to implement things for first time. And I remembered my first game, I was telling that I had no experience about mobile programming, and I said that means it's time to gain some experience. And it's sometimes a painful process like this time. But have to confess, it's also really funny because at the end of the day I have this Welcome Page finally. There is no happiness like this. And tomorrow, I'll continue with other screens. I'm determined about this blog series. See ya!