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Building a Web Game - Day Thirteen


Hello gentleman, hello lady. Today is gonna be a milestone, I hope. Because today, users are gonna be able to join the game. Yey, that was what I'm working for thirteen day man. It's so exciting to see my app now. But before we get into frontend stuff, I had to fix some bugs on backend. It was gameUpdated subscription. Users couldn't get info about the game if they are dead or game is finished. You may say that if game has finished, then why a user should get info about the game? It's because if we don't send them info, they can't know did game finish. So, I fixed this and there is one more thing: Users can't live game. This is a really big issue, but for now we don't need to fix it because today we're building the beginning and continue of the game. So these stuffs will be done later. Now I can start the join game function for frontend.