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Building a Web Game - Day Nineteen


Hey yo, welcome to this infinite blog, Gamelog. Yes, this game is not finishing, I started to figure it out.

I also noticed that we have some bugs about the sizes of every different screen. And I think I have fixed the bugs on phone screens, but we still have these bugs on tablet screen. And thinking like I'm not gonna fix it in short term. First thing is gonna be finishing this game. Actually, the reason of this bug is my inexperience. Because when I started to develop web apps, this bug was same. And now, I'm developing mobile app. So, I think I have to be in peace with this f*** issue. I will ask this issue to one of my brother who develops mobile app.

But let's talk about something good stuffs that I developed. I have finished the time component. And we have a good animation in there. Let's see if I can show you:

Time Component Animation

But the thing that you saw on the bottom of the screen, this is so sh***ty. I mean, not just the design. it breaks the whole design when I open my keyboard. So, I'm gonna design it like a new screen. That makes things easier. So, let me design this stuff. Also, I'm gonna try to tackle with tablet design. Don't forget, I started this project to learn what I don't know, just like bugs :) So, I succeed.