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Building a Web Game - Day Eighteen


Back again with Gamelog, and I'm trying to live healtier these days. So, I'm getting up early for 2 days. I suggest you too. It's so cool to say that I get up early, the reason to write this was that.

So, today we are still developing the game screen. And yesterday, I wanted to study some lesson, so didn't able to code a lot. But this morning -I got up early, just btw- I finished the code that I had to write yesterday. And this is one of the benefits of getting up early -not gonna stop-

And now, I have to finish this time component. And to do it, actually I'm gonna be honest. I don't have enough experience and knowledge on mobile animations to do this component. So, I have to change the component, this will be the best solution for now. And I care about the MVP, so I have build the app explanatory, but also quickly.

If you want to see the new version, here it is:

New Game Screen