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Building a Web Game - Day Sixteen


Ladies and gentlemen; welcome again, to the most unknown blogpost. Yes, it's Gamelog again. And today's job is still about game screen. Yesterday, I have achieved to joining games. But yet, we can't start to play it unfortunatelly. To do this, we have to show a role screen to our users. Actually, this is easy to do, except the animations that I thought I could do. But in reality, this animations are f**** hard. Especially in react native, because in web, you can change the color of image easily. But in React Native, we don't have CSS filter option unfortunatelly. So in this situation, to finish the first version of the game and to reach the first users, I gotta make a radical decision about this page. And I think, at least in MVP version, this animation is too complicated and this animation will be shown just in 3 seconds. So, we have to make this animation easier.

But this is not the whole thing in game. We have more than one screens in game. They are: Role, Game and Wictory/Defeat screens. Most important one is of course the game screen. And it's also the hardest one. Because at the top of the screen, we have the time info, as you can see in this image:

Game Screen

And it have to have an animation, because it will affect the user experiment directly. But, I'm not sure how can I make an animation on this stuff bro, it will be so hard. Maybe the hardest thing in this development adventure.

So, I have to stop whining and continue to develop this stuff. And again, everyday it's getting better and it's amazing to see it. And I'm also writing my first blog, which is as exciting as building this game. Now it's developing time, I'll give you more information today, if I don't fall asleep while developing :) See ya

Didn't Forget Yo!

Now, we have finished the role select screen with good animations. Yaay.

And now, it's time to make the game, which is hard. So, I think the Gamelog is over, thanks for following.

Nah, I have to finish this moth******** So, see ya tomorrow