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Building a Web Game - Day Seventeen


Guten Morgen my friend. Yeah, everyday different start to the Gamelog bro.

So, today we are in the game screen, which is painful to even say. And I think I need some motivation to do it. So, I got up early this morning, like 6 p.m. and went for a walk to think about the time animation. But, I got still nothing. Well, it's better to come it back later. Today we can build the victory/defeat screen, which users will see at the end of the game. That would be better. But to do it, we have to design it first. Because as you can remember, we weren't have any end game screen. So, that's gonna take my long time. And I think I have to make a todo list to see clearly what I have to do. And here it is:

  • Victory/Defeat Screen Design
  • Victory/Defeat Screen Code
  • Let People to Chat Day & Night
  • Voting to Execute & Kill
  • God Bless Timer Animation

So, pray for me. I'm gonna need it.